

EC expects Croatia to implement structural reforms

The European Commission (EC) wishes to come to a satisfactory solution with Croatia concerning the excessive macroeconomic imbalances and expects Croatia to resolutely implement the necessary reforms, a public debate held in Zagreb on Wednesday heard.


"We expect the intensive public debate on the TTIP"

Ahead of Global Action Day against the transatlantic trade and investment agreements TTIP and CETA, to be marked on April 18, activists of several nongovernmental organisations and trade unions on Friday distributed leaflets outside the parliament building in Zagreb, asking MPs to take a clear position on those agreements which they believe will restrict workers' rights and affect food quality and environmental protection in the EU.


Citizenfour debate: How to control the controllers?

After Edward Snowden revealed documents kept in deep secrecy by US intelligence agency (NSA) and discovered that they monitor and collect data of millions of people, whistleblowers have become a topic of a large public debate. Unanswered question is still how to control the controllers and how to prevent misuse of data that institutions collect about us.


War is over, give us peace

Stop militarization of the Croatian society – no to military service, no to military parades.


Considering the concerning appearance of militarization of our society in the last couple of months, which culminated in this week's discussions about an alleged resurrection of compulsory military service and the announcement of the organization of a military parade, Centre for Peace Studies calls Mrs. President of Republic Croatia to give up on this political thought. We also call the Croatian government to abolish the idea of organizing a military parade on the occasion of marking the anniversary of 20 years since the operation „Oluja“. 


Violence leaves traces and Taste of Home campaigns presented in Vukovar

Conference on integrated intercultural education, organized by Nansen Dialogue Centre, was held in Vukovar on Feb 28th and March 1st. The conference was attended by more than a hundred teachers, principals and representatives of local NGOS, educational authorities and others from Great Britain, Macedonia, Germany, Norway, Turkey, Israel, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia.



The Third periodic report submitted by the Republic of Croatia for the 113th Session for the UN Human Rights Comittee

The report about International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights  is submitted on behalf of OBRIS – Obrana i sigurnost, the Centre for Peace Studies, the International Action Network on Small Arms, the University of Minnesota Human Rights Program, and was prepared with the assistance of the Human Rights Litigation and International Advocacy Clinic at the University of Minnesota Law School.

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