
Violence leaves traces and Taste of Home campaigns presented in Vukovar

Conference on integrated intercultural education, organized by Nansen Dialogue Centre, was held in Vukovar on Feb 28th and March 1st. The conference was attended by more than a hundred teachers, principals and representatives of local NGOS, educational authorities and others from Great Britain, Macedonia, Germany, Norway, Turkey, Israel, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia.  


The Third periodic report submitted by the Republic of Croatia for the 113th Session for the UN Human Rights Comittee

The report about International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights  is submitted on behalf of OBRIS – Obrana i sigurnost, the Centre for Peace Studies, the International Action Network on Small Arms, the University of Minnesota Human Rights Program, and was prepared with the assistance of the Human Rights Litigation and International Advocacy Clinic at the University of Minnesota Law School.

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