
Citizenfour debate: How to control the controllers?

After Edward Snowden revealed documents kept in deep secrecy by US intelligence agency (NSA) and discovered that they monitor and collect data of millions of people, whistleblowers have become a topic of a large public debate. Unanswered question is still how to control the controllers and how to prevent misuse of data that institutions collect about us.


War is over, give us peace

Stop militarization of the Croatian society – no to military service, no to military parades.   Considering the concerning appearance of militarization of our society in the last couple of months, which culminated in this week's discussions about an alleged resurrection of compulsory military service and the announcement of the organization of a military parade, Centre for Peace Studies calls Mrs. President of Republic Croatia to give up on this political thought. We also call the Croatian government to abolish the idea of organizing a military parade on the occasion of marking the anniversary of 20 years since the operation „Oluja“. 

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