Combating discrimination


Manual Mediators in Roma Communities

The publication is intended for people who are working on overcoming institutional, social, and cultural obstacles – either through their position in the Roma community or their institutional position – to achieve social equality for the Roma. 


Mutual learning online regional conference on good practices and lessons learned regarding countering hate speech online

The ‘Mutual learning regional conference on good practices and lessons learned from countering hate speech online’, which was organised online on 14 and 15 October 2020, presented good practices, lessons learned and developments in combating hate speech online. It brought together experts and practitioners from Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia and also experts from other EU Member States. The aim of the conference was to contribute to the mutual learning in this important field.


Countering Hate Speech Online

The spreading of hate speech online is making it increasingly difficult to secure human rights, to protect human dignity, and to maintain the democratic standards of public communication and debate.



Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia, countries of former Yugoslavia located on the Balkan migration route, face increasing hate speech online that exploit tensions and negative attitudes to minority groups. 

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