Manual Mediators in Roma Communities


The publication is intended for people who are working on overcoming institutional, social, and cultural obstacles – either through their position in the Roma community or their institutional position – to achieve social equality for the Roma. 

The publication has emerged alongside the development of an informal educational programme named Mediators in Roma Communities, completed in two cycles in 2021, and organised by the Centre for Peace Studies and the Roma Youth Organisation of Croatia (ROMHR).1 Roma activists, assistants, mentors, social workers, teachers, expert associates from schools, and police representatives participated in the programme. The programme Mediators in Roma Communities is a programme with a social focus; it aims to achieve social justice and to combat discrimination, prejudice, and discrimination by embracing the principles of human rights, equality, and pluralism. Socially focused programmes place a stress on understanding social problems and on the role of social actions in solving such problems, and the programme participants develop skills in critical thinking, participation in decision- making, teamwork, and social action.

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