Facts against Hate


Project „Facts Against Hate“ is continuation of the cooperation started in 2018 on the implementation of the project „Against Hate“.

Through its implementation, we want to contribute to implementation of the measures addressed by the Anti-discrimination strategy. Measures include e.g. improving hate crime and hate speech dana collecting system, organizing seminars on the Criminal Code provisions related to hate crime and hate speech for judges, attorneys, public prosecutors, police and civil society, organizing public events (round tables, conferences etc.) on anti-discrimination hate crime and hate speech provisions on both national and local communities level as well as public campaigning and raising awareness on unacceptance of discrimination and hatred.

The objective of the Project Facts Against Hate is to improve the effectiveness of the work against hate crime and hate speech. The project aims to develop data collection related to hate crime and hate speech, improve local cooperation practices, and produce material to support work against hate crime and hate speech.

The project consists of four work packages:

1) Development of hate crime reporting: The objective of the work package is to test a tool developed by the OSCE for reporting hate crimes in Finland, Croatia and Ireland. Another objective is to develop guidance of victims of hate crime to support services and to the police. 

2) Development of local cooperation practices: The objective of the work package is to build capacity of different actors to prevent and tackle hate crime and hate speech at local level. The focus is on the local police work, especially on the development and testing of practices that aim to build trust in the community, not only between different population groups but also between the police and minority population groups. The activities support the implementation of the national strategy for preventive police work at local level. The aim is also to increase awareness of hate crimes and the existing reporting channels among local politicians, sexual and gender minorities, and persons with disabilities. 

3) Development of hate crime monitoring: The objective of this work package is to test a comprehensive model for monitoring hate crimes in the prosecution service and courts of law. Indicators for monitoring hate crime will also be developed. Another objective is to test new tools for targeted monitoring of online hate speech. These activities are focused on Finland only.

4) Transnational and EU-level cooperation: The objective of the work package is to exchange experiences between authorities at EU level and to share good examples of measures against hate speech and hate crime.

The project is coordinated by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Finland, and the project partners are:

in Finland: the Ministry of the Interior, the Police University College and Anti-Racist Forum,

in Ireland: INAR – Irish Network against Racism (Ireland),

and us - Centre for Peace Studies.


The project is funded by the European Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) programme.

This content is the sole responsibility of Centre for Peace Studies and can in no way reflect the views of the European Commission.

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