Data on hatred and prejudices motivated violence in 2022
On the International Day for Tolerance, on 16 November 2023, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) published its data on hate crimes for 2022.
On the International Day for Tolerance, on 16 November 2023, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) published its data on hate crimes for 2022.
Through the Strength for Change project, the Centre for Peace Studies initiated, continued or intensified cooperation with organizations and initiatives representing racialized, migrant or minority communities, to create a database for recording incidents of racism and discrimination affecting these communities.
Almost half of people of African descent in the EU face racism and discrimination in their daily life – a rise since 2016. Racist harassment and ethnic profiling are also common, especially for young people, finds a new survey from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). FRA calls on EU countries to take urgent steps to tackle racial discrimination and harassment to ensure everybody is treated equally and with dignity.
Online public services can make it easier to get social benefits or find information. But older people sometimes lack the necessary digital skills to use them. This is a potential barrier to their fundamental rights. It can put them at a disadvantage and risks excluding them from our digitalised societies, warns a report from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). EU countries need to ensure access to public services for everyone. Older people should be able to choose how they access public services and receive support to learn digital skills.
FRA’s Fundamental Rights Report 2023 reflects on the developments and shortfalls of human rights protection in the EU in 2022.
The starting point of this project is the understanding that integration of migrant population and anti-racist policies are inherently connected and necessarily need to go hand in hand.
The seventh evaluation on the Code of Conduct on Countering Illegal Hate Speech Online shows that the number of notifications reviewed within 24 hours (64.4%) has decreased as compared to 2021 (81%) and 2020 (90.4%). Only TikTok has increased its performance (from 82.5% to 91.7%). The average removal rate (63.6%) is similar to 2021 (62.5%), but still lower than in 2020 (71%). Looking at the individual performance of the platforms, most of them (except for YouTube) have removed less hate speech content than in 2021. The quality of feedback to users’ notifications has improved as compared to previous monitoring exercises.
On the International Day for Tolerance, on 16 November 2020, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) published its data on hate crimes for 2021.
On the International Day for Tolerance, on 16 November 2020, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) published its data on hate crimes for 2020.