Civic and peace education


Civic Education (CE)

Centre for Peace Studies has been engaged in Civic education (CE) through advocacy, education of teachers and associate specialists as well as supporting schools in their efforts to introduce and conduct CE.


Croatia can do better!

"Croatia can do better" was the message sent by more than 50,000 Croatians who demonstrated in the main square of the capital Zagreb on Wednesday, in support of the long-overdue educational reforms and the expert group leading the design and planning of the reform for the last 14 months. 


Education for a Global Citizenship - Unity in Diversity: Strategic Recommendations

The North-South Centre (NSC) of the Council of Europe (CoE), in partnership with the Education policy division of the CoE, CONCORD Europe, UNESCO, and in affiliation with Global Education Network Europe (GENE), organised the 3rd European Congress on Global Education under the title Education for a Global Citizenship: Unity in Diversity. The Congress took place in Zagreb, Croatia, 26-28 November 2015 under the auspices of the Croatian Center for Peace Studies as NSC implementing partner.


NGO's: What happened in Knin?!

Center for Civil Courage, Centre for Peace Studies, GONG, Protagora and Initiative "Svi Mi" hope that the Ministry will undertake necessary actions to protect teachers and students as well as separation between Church and state enshrined in Croatian Constitution.


Violence leaves traces and Taste of Home campaigns presented in Vukovar

Conference on integrated intercultural education, organized by Nansen Dialogue Centre, was held in Vukovar on Feb 28th and March 1st. The conference was attended by more than a hundred teachers, principals and representatives of local NGOS, educational authorities and others from Great Britain, Macedonia, Germany, Norway, Turkey, Israel, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia.


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