Asylum and integration policies


European Court of Human Rights finds Croatia responsible for the deaths and injuries of persons it deprived of liberty!

Yesterday, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) delivered a second judgment finding that Croatia is violating human rights of refugees and other migrants. It brought a tiny fragment of justice to the three deceased persons and the seriously injured Abdejalil Daraibou, who were at the time in the police station and under the authority of the border police, and whose right to life Croatia violated.


First conference organized by refugee and migrant activists to advocate for their rights held in Zagreb

The first National Conference on the Promotion of the Rights of Migrants and Refugees in Croatia was held at the Sheraton Hotel on Wednesday 7.12., a conference that was designed, implemented and led by migrant and refugee activists: human rights advocates, and integration experts. The activists were supported in preparations and logistics by the Centre for Peace Studies as part of the European project 2incING, designed with the aim of strengthening the advocacy capacities of refugees and migrants.


Recommendations of the Centre for Peace Studies and the Human Rights House Zagreb for the execution of the judgment of M.H. and Others against Croatia

On 22 September, the Centre for Peace Studies and the Human Rights House Zagreb filed a submission to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in accordance with Rule 9.2. of the Rules of the Committee of Ministers for the supervision of the execution of judgments and of the terms of friendly settlements in the case, a proposal of measures for the execution of the judgment M.H. and Others v. Croatia no. 15670/18 and 43115/18. 

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