
ASAP - Accessing services, Sharing Approaches and Practices

The project ASAP - Accessing services, Sharing Approaches and Practices wants to support local service providers and civil society organisations in the implementation of effective and replicable practices which can respond to refugees and other migrants ’ needs in the access to public services in the fields of employment, housing, education and health.


The BEST Hackathon for curious minds everywhere

Turn your ideas into practical action!

Calling all non-profit organizations, associations and new initiatives led by third country nationals and/or working in the framework of integration and boosting social entrepreneurship skills among new members of our societies.

Embrace your curiosity. Bring your innovative thinking. Turn your ideas into practical action.


International conference »Diaspora engagement in the EU«

»Diaspora engagement in the EU« was the international conference organized within the AMIF project We all need new engagement (WANNE) in the European Parliament in Brussels on 4 November. The questions we have addressed are among others: what are the major challenges facing the diaspora engagement within their communities in the EU; how are NGOs and diaspora organizations addressing these challenges; what are the potential areas of engagement with diaspora within the EU; what are the missing links in harnessing the benefits of diaspora engagement within the EU; how can the EU support the member states, NGOs and diaspora organizations?


WANNE Transnational Report

Within the international AMIF project We all need new engagement - WANNE, partners from Austria, Slovenia, Greece, Italy, Malta, Romania and Croatia prepared the Transnational Report: Good Practices Fostering Participation and Inclusion of TCNs in Austria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Malta, Romania and Slovenia.


Empowering Communities in Europe



Empowering Communities in Europe is an international project co-funded by the European Commission. The project was led by the British Council in Poland and delivered together with civil society organisations in Poland, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Slovakia. 

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