Press releases


Joint statement related to the visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Croatia

Although the HDZ’s Members of European Parliament recently supported Orban in the European Parliament, the Prime Minister Plenković should insist on condemning the Hungarian human rights violations during the today’s meeting with Prime Minister Orban in Zagreb – this is the joint message by civil society organisations: Human Rights House Zagreb, Center for Peace Studies, Croatian Platform for International Citizen Solidarity - CROSOL, GONG and the Welcome! Initiative.


MoI denies CPS the access to Reception Centres for asylum seekers!

The Ministry of the Interior has denied Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) the access to Reception Centres for asylum seekers, refusing to extend the cooperation agreement to an organization that has provided support to refugees and asylum seekers for 15 years, warned representatives of the Centre for Peace Studies and Human Rights House at the press conference held on Monday 12 November, in front of the Reception Centre in Zagreb. MoI's deliberate explanation for such a decision is the alleged lack of physical space in which activities could be carried out, moreover claiming that there are enough other engaged organizations in the reception centres.


Croatia Urged to Stop Expelling Migrants

he Council of Europe's Human Rights Commissioner sent a letter to the Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, expressing concern about allegations of collective expulsion of migrants, violence and other crimes committed by police officers.


Police pressure on human rights activists and lawyers protecting the refugees in Croatia

The civil society organizations Are you Syrious (AYS)?, Centre for Peace Studies, and lawyers Sanja Bezbradica Jelavic and Ivo Jelavic held a press conference on Apr 18 and warned about the pressure that the Croatian Ministry of Interior puts on the attorney's office that protects refugees, as well as against the activists of organizations providing legal and humanitarian protection to refugees.


European Court of Human Rights: Immediately change the treatment towards Madina's family

Today, the European Court of Human Rights sent an urgent notification of their decision on an interim measure requiring the Croatian Ministry of Interior to immediately place Madina’s  family in an environment where the family will not be exposed to inhumane or degrading treatment. The Court also emphasizes that they are convinced that Croatia will not deport the family to Serbia or Afghanistan until they have answered the questions submitted by the Court.


Participatory democracy under threat: Growing restrictions on the freedoms of NGOs in the EU

This paper is designed to inform EU decision-makers about the increasing restrictions facing independent non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in the EU. NGOs are vital to the proper functioning of healthy, rights-respecting democracies operating under the rule of law. Yet the practices, laws and policies of national authorities and sometimes the EU itself are hampering the ability of these organisations to operate – often this is indeed the express aim of national governments. This paper will begin by explaining the role that NGOs play in facilitating democratic participation, upholding the rule of law and respect for fundamental rights. It will then outline the principal obstacles facing NGOs before putting forward recommendations directed at the EU institutions that would allow the EU to preserve the freedoms that NGOs require to perform their tasks and facilitate their development.


Croatia must urgently cease and revise its arms trade policy – UN Arms Trade Treaty has been violated

By selling arms to Saudi Arabia, the Republic of Croatia has violated the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty which requires that prior to the export of weapons, a state must first undertake an assessment of the potential risks that the weapons sold will be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, and if the assessment determines that such a risk exists, then arms exports shall not be authorized by the State party. 

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