PEER ACTION - Peer Action against hate
The persistent problems of racism, hate speech and hate crime has been identified and acknowledged at the highest levels of European Union. The EU Anti-racism Action Plan 2020-2025 is an important framework document, which gives solid basis for efforts across the Union, and many Member States, including the partner countries, are committed to implement the strategy at national level. In Peer Action project, national implementation is supported by creating opportunities for national and transnational peer learning between different actors. Peer learning will focus on impact assessment, multi-stakeholder cooperation, strategical communication and development of more accessible victim support services. The Peer Action project brings together both national public authorities and civil society actors from Finland, Croatia and Ireland. Actors from other Member States will be invited to transnational events of the project to discuss the lessons learnt and common challenges.
Project is funded by the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers (DG JUST) under the call CERV-2022-EQUAL, grant agreement: 101084826. Budget of the project is 470.513,24 EUR.
Time frame for the project implementation is 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2024.
Project lead is the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Finland and partners are:
Ministry of the Social Affairs and Health of the Republic of Finland
Organisation SETA, Finland
Irish Network Against Racism (INAR), Ireland