RIGHTS IN PRACTICE – Participation and cooperation to quality socio-economic rights protection policy

Public policies for the protection of social and economic rights in Croatia are insufficiently well developed and inadequately implemented, resulting in the rights of many social groups being insufficiently protected in practice and inequalities high.
The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to deepen socioeconomic inequalities, particularly in the areas of labor, education, and housing. In the area of housing rights, Croatia lags significantly behind other EU countries in terms of regulation of housing
relations and rights, as shown by Eurostat data.
Furthermore, although a quality education system at the European level is recognized as a priority by a number of strategic documents, according to Eurostat data, Croatia is at the bottom of the list of EU member states in terms of investment in education. In the field of labor and employment, we have witnessed for years the flexibility of labor relations, the dominance of precarious forms of work, unemployment and insufficient protection of workers' rights. For example, according to the results of a preliminary questionnaire conducted by BRID in the care sector, some workers in the sector believe that protective equipment provided by employers is not enough to guarantee their safety in a pandemic, while only 6% of workers in this sector are unionized points to the difficulty of getting involved in public policy-making processes and protecting one's own
In addition, civil society is insufficiently involved in monitoring these policies and has small capacities, and the cooperation of associations and other important actors such as trade unions, scientists and others is very limited.
Through the project "RIGHTS IN PRACTICE - Participation and cooperation to quality policies for the protection of socio-economic rights", the Center for Peace Studies, the Base for Workers' Initiative and Democratization, the Institute for Political Ecology, the House of Human Rights and the Right to the City will:
- establish a system for monitoring socio-economic inequalities and advocating for the realization of economic and social rights by strengthening cooperation and the capacity of civil society and crosssectoral cooperation;
- develop proposals for education, housing and labor policies based on international standards of economic and social rights, and
- contribute to formal and non-formal education on economic and social rights through the development of curricula and materials for the implementation of the economic dimension of civic education and the implementation of the cluster Sustainable Development and Economic Justice in Peace Studies
We believe that by strengthening the capacity and cooperation of civil society, continuous pressure on decision makers, but also by proactively developing policy proposals in cooperation with vulnerable groups, citizens and experts, we can greatly contribute to significantly improving the level of protection and promotion of social rights. In addition, as education is one of the preconditions for greater activity of citizens in the protection of their own rights, we will deal with the empowerment of citizens through non-formal education and empowerment of teachers to promote social and economic rights in the formal
education system.
Project promotor: Center for Peace Studies
- Base for workers' initiative and democratization
- Institute of Political Ecology
- Human Rights House
- Right to the city
Project implementation period: 1.1.2021. – 31.12.2022.
Total project value: € 165,748.43, of which € 149,173.58 was provided through financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway within the European Economic Area and Norwegian grants