FAIR. Promoting a culture of rights in Europe


The project EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: Awareness Raising and Instrument to Promote a Culture of Rights (FAIR) aims to carry out a series of two-year activities to map gaps and obstacles limiting the implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights at the national level, promoting the creation of a culture of rights within the participating countries.

FAIR places itself within the EU Strategy 2020 to strengthen the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, which has been adopted given the 20th anniversary of the proclamation of the Charter. It proposes four lines of action, namely, ensuring the practical application of the Charter by member states; consolidating organisations of the civil society, rights defenders, and legal practitioners; promoting the use of the Carter as a compass for EU institutions; strengthening people's awareness of their rights under the Charter.

The latter, in particular, is at the heart of the objectives of the project, which also aims to encourage public stakeholders, experts, professionals and organisations of civil society to take part in community-building initiatives, such as focus groups and communication activities to share and promote good practices in other national contexts and fields of action.

Virtuous connections among stakeholders and the subsequent implementation of awareness-raising activities will aim to spread understanding of the Charter and its potential and actual impact on protecting fundamental rights among the population.

With the support of the Steering Committee, which will provide one researcher from each organisation, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini is coordinating the implementation of the activities and managing the communication with the European Commission throughout the project's duration.

Project deliverables 

The annual outputs that will be delivered to the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) include field research reports and short thematic reports on the different areas of the EU law where the Charter applies.

The project's final output will be a toolbox on fundamental rights in English, which will be translated into national languages in selected countries and across the EU-27.

Specifically, the toolbox will give visibility to the communication and awareness-raising tools already developed by FRA through templates and content for social campaigns, thematic fact sheets focusing on specific fundamental rights enshrined in the Charter, and suggestions for engaging professionals, activists, civil society actors, and the fundamental rights institutions wishing to organise and disseminate a culture of fundamental rights and the use of the EU Charter in their country.

For more information, visit the project FAIR web page.

#FAIRaccesstorights #Charter #FundamentalRights

Project implementation period: 1 March 2024 - 29 February 2026

Project coordinator: Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (Italy)

Project partners:

Migration Institute at Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Spain)

Vrije Universiteit Brussel / Free University of Brussels (Belgium)

Kentro Evropaikou Syntagmatikou Dikao Idryma / Centre for European Constitutional Law (Greece)

Center For The Study of Democracy (Bulgaria)

CES-Centro De Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra / The Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (Portugal)

Mirovni Inštitut / The Peace Institute (Slovenia) and

Symfilosi / Reconciliation (Cyprus).

Project FAIR is funded by the European Union's Programme for Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV), managed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency.

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