About Peace Studies


Peace Studies is an interdisciplinary area of education relying on a number of social sciences and humanities, as well as the experience of lecturers and participants.  It seeks to understand the cause of conflict, develop approaches to prevent and stop violence, war and serious human rights violations and build sustainable peace – fair systems and societies strong enough to resist violence, inequality and injustice.

Peace Studies of CPS are established as result of direct experinece of work on peacebuilding and social raconstruction during and after the war in Croatia. Peace Studies combine education, activism and action researches in order to understand causes of  former conflicts and hard violation of human rights and at the same time creating capacities for prevention of  further conflicts and violence by building societies with more social justice. The program gather young and adult citizens interested in raising their capacities in civic engagement for nonviolent social change: 30 participants per year in direct educational activities, about 250 hours of education, practical work and civic engagement. Course leaders are experienced activists and researchers with theoretical and methodological knowledge. Basic clusters of the program are: 

  • Introduction to Peace Studies: Nonviolent communication, Conflict understanding, conflict transformation, Understanding violence and nonviolent action
  • Human rights: Theory and practice, 
  • Peace Building: Grassroots peace building, Dealing with past, Human security
  • Combating Racism and Xenophobia: Post colonialism and migration, Migration and Refugees
  • Social Solidarity: Activistical Practices and Social change, Sustainable development, Economical justice, Feminism and Politics
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