

In Croatia, hate speech is on the rise – discriminatory, inflammable and discrediting content can be seen and heard in public and transmitted through the media - although Croatia has very good legislative framework that prohibits hate speech (or “incitement to hate”) through not just Penal Code (Article 325) but also through Anti-discrimination Act (under Article 25 on harassment). However, prohibition under the law is not enough – we are still lacking prosecution - or quality case law that could serve as prevention mechanism to the public and to the ones using hate speech. 


Civil Society and New Phenomena of Refugee Migration

The aim of the conference is to open a discussion on the role civil society has in shaping national and EU policy on protection and supporting refugees, influence on public discourse and decision-makers. Also, speakers will discuss possible strategies in overcoming divisions between "new" and "old" EU members over the Common Asylum System and what kind of future and political decisions can be expected with regard to the European system of international protection.

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