Key Issues Regarding Media Freedom in Croatia for 2024
Media freedom continues to stand perilously close to breaking point in many EU countries and in some, it needs to be almost completely revived, Liberties’ Media Freedom Report 2024 finds.
Media freedom continues to stand perilously close to breaking point in many EU countries and in some, it needs to be almost completely revived, Liberties’ Media Freedom Report 2024 finds.
On 10 April 2024, the European Parliament adopted the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, a package of reforms expanding the criminalisation and digital surveillance of migrants. Despite civil society organisations’ repeated warnings, the Pact “will normalise the arbitrary use of immigration detention, including for children and families, increase racial profiling, use ‘crisis’ procedures to enable pushbacks, and return individuals to so called ‘safe third countries’ where they are at risk of violence, torture, and arbitrary imprisonment”.
Racist comments, more frequent stops and even violence - this is how people of different ethnic backgrounds experience policing in Europe. Yet, the lack of national data makes it difficult to fully assess the magnitude of the problem and design effective responses, finds the first ever EU-wide report on racism in policing from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights. The Agency calls on EU countries to systematically collect data on police misconduct, make reporting safer and recording of police incidents effective, and increase diversity in police forces.
The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) allows Member States to implement judicial decisions issued in another Member State.
Dear colleagues, the Centre for Peace Studies office will be closed from April 1st to April 7th, and during this period, free legal assistance will not be available.