Online Conference: Evidence-based actions against racism and hate crime

20 October 2021 11:00 - 17:00 EET (Helsinki)
The conference aims to:
- inform and exchange knowledge about evidence-based actions, measures and tools against racism and hate crime
- present and discuss measures and practises in data gathering and the use of information
Target audience: professionals (experts, authorities, decision-makers and NGOs) working with hate crime and hate speech in the EU Member States.
Conference programme and registration is available at the link. Register to the conference by October 15th 2021. Link for following the stream will be sent before the event.
Conference is a part of the "Facts against Hate" project funded under the Rights, Equality and Citizenship program of the European Commission. The objective of the project is to improve the effectiveness of work against hate crime and hate speech. The project aims to develop data collection related to hate crime and hate speech, improve local cooperation practices, and produce material to support work against hate crime and hate speech.
The project is coordinated by the Ministry of Justice (Finland), and the project partners are the Ministry of the Interior (Finland), the Police University College (Finland), Anti-Racist Forum ry (Finland), the Centre for Peace Studies (Croatia), and INAR (Ireland).
Please feel free to share this invitation with colleagues and networks.
More information: Project Manager Milla Aaltonen,