Lives in Motion


Project Description:

"Lives in Motion" is a non-formal educational project implemented by civil society organizations from Italy, Romania, Portugal, and Croatia (Maghweb, ANP | WFF, Polylogos, Center for Peace Studies). The project is funded by EACEA under the CERV-EU-REM program. Through the project partners will collaboratively develop, test, and disseminate an interdisciplinary, non-formal educational toolkit that provides high school teachers and students (aged 15-18) with a multi-faced, historical, and critical understanding of migrations into, out of, and within Europe.


Overall aim: To help improve young people’s historical knowledge and understanding of migrations
Specific objective 1: To enhance education about migrations for high school students
Specific objective 2: To strengthen collaboration between young people’s formal and non-formal educators

The project involves several key activities: 

Toolkit development: Partners collaborate in developing an innovative educational toolkit. This includes research, resource gathering, and content shaping to promote interactive learning about migrations. 

International toolkit development sessions: Sessions aimed at development, testing, and refinement with the participation of education and migration experts. 

Local testing events: Partners organize events in high schools to test the toolkit in real classroom environments and gather feedback from teachers. 

Final toolkit testing: Presentation and testing of the toolkit to high school students in Croatia to facilitate its dissemination and implementation in schools across Europe.

The "Lives in Motion" project aims to empower teachers in teaching complex migration topics through interactive and educational methods, thereby fostering deeper understanding among young people about historical and contemporary migration processes in Europe.


Technical details:

Project Title: Lives in Motion 

Project Locations: Italy, Portugal, Croatia, Romania 

Duration: 20 months (May 1st 2024 – December 31st 2025)

Granting Authority: European Commission-EU (EACEA, CERV-2023-CITIZENS-REM)

Beneficiaries: High school students and teachers 

Coordinator: Maghweb (Italy)

Partners: Centre for Peace Studies (Croatia), Natureza (Portugal), Polylogos (Romania)



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