Shutting down borders cannot become practice

“Welcome” Initiative strongly condemns the shutting down of Hungarian border for refugees. The shutting down of the border and the putting up of additional obstacles in front of people who are forced to leave their homes only contributes to the escalation of the humanitarian crisis.
Lack of reaction by EU leaders, which would prevent this move, is actually helping to create a practice which says that shutting down of individual borders is a solution to the problem. This could provoke the domino effect and ultimately end up in harder and riskier approach to secured areas for refugees as well as the increase in number of victims.
The answer to this suffering and hard conditions lies only in the secured and protected route and the application of the uniformed asylum status throughout the EU. This route de facto exists currently and has been proved to be the best solution. With the improvement of the existing conditions, the Initiative calls on the Croatian Government to keep on securing the safe passage through Croatia. Furthermore, we are appealing Slovenian Government to keep cooperation with Austria and provide a corridor to people who are fleeing war and insecurities.
Considering that we have been witnessing great solidarity with refugees by local inhabitants in all states that are on the route, the Initiative would like to call all the leaders to look up to their citizens and do not use this humanitarian crisis for political trade. It is necessary to undertake all the measures for dignified treatment of all the persons as well as for the reception and integration of all the refugees. The Initiative would like to remind that the only way to prevent further escalation of the humanitarian crisis is to establish internationally secured corridor (maritime, land and air) and strongly condemns reaching a decision on the establishment of refugee camps on the borders of Europe, that is Turkey, where people are being retained without their consent.