Initiative „Welcome“: Solidarity does not have borders
“Welcome” initiative gathers individuals and civil society organizations with the aim to support refugees on the ground, but also to make political pressure on the Croatian and EU institutions to change restrictive migration policies.
Initiative gathers more than 60 civil society organizations, one football club and more than 400 volunteers who give support to the refugees on the ground on every day basis – from humanitarian support and coordination with local organizations, but also providing information to refugees about current procedures regarding entering and leaving Croatia. On the ground, initiative is also working in coordination with Croatian Red Cross, the Coordination for asylum and institutions as well. In addition to that, because of better communication with the public, the web page was also published – – which publishes news from the ground and publish useful information for refugees, for example transport timetables or dictionaries.
The Republic of Croatia needs to strongly advocate urgent harmonization of positions on EU level and political agreement in the UN for common approach to stop the war in Syria. Because of that, the initiative is expecting from the Croatian government to take the political initiative and to advocate finding sustainable and adequate solutions for refugee crisis, which are based on international humanitarian law, protection of human rights, intergovernmental cooperation and solidarity. The whole National Shadow Observation – document about the EU policies on refugee crisis which was published before the emergency EU summit on 23rd of September and which was sent to Croatian government, is available here (Croatian version).